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The Aura-Soma Colour Care System

The Aura-Soma Colour Care System is a non-intrusive colour system of great beauty, which offers you the opportunity for awareness and transformation. It invites you to work from the deeper level of your being, empowering you to help yourself. Through the use of colour this system brings consciousness and insight from the soul level of your being into your everyday life. The Aura-Soma Colour System is especially suited for those who wish to come to a new focus in their life and/or who wish to develop themselves.

The Aura-Soma Colour System is not a therapy in the traditional sense since it makes no claims to heal medical conditions; what it does do is address the whole question of what lies behind dis-ease. It supports you to come to a greater ease within yourself.

The Aura-Soma Colour Care System Consultation

"You are the colours you choose"

Your choice of Equilibrium bottles is the key to the Aura-Soma Colour System Consultation. You will be invited to choose the four colour combinations to which you are most drawn. By exploring with a Registered Aura-Soma Practitioner or Registered Aura-Soma Colour Care Consultant what your colour choice represents for you, it reveals your gifts challenges and opportunities. Your colour choice will also shed light on your potential for growth and transformation.

Towards the end of the consultation you will identify the Aura-Soma colour products that will be most beneficial for you to apply in the following weeks. This is a very important part of helping yourself through the Aura-Soma colour system. Whilst the consultation provides insight into your situation, it is in applying the Aura-Soma colours onto and around yourself that the information discussed in the session may be absorbed and integrated into your everyday experience. The products have an energetic vibration that goes beyond words.

You will also receive a Consultation Information Sheet on which notes the main details of your consultation can be made, what was discussed and what was recommended. This will provide a valuable record of your ongoing work with the Aura-Soma Colour System.




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The Philosophy

It is a fundamental premise of the Aura-Soma Colour System that only you yourself knows what is best for you. The system is described as non intrusive and self selective because it is your choice of colours which determines what is explored during the session.

Colour is a universal language understood by all people in all cultures. Your colour preferences, such as your favourite colour, the colours you like next to each other, the passing phases you have for certain colours, are all expressions of the inner self. Through your choice of the Equilibrium colour combinations the soul finds a way to express itself and touch the underlying themes of your life in a way that goes beyond language.


The Aura-Soma Colour Care System is a non-intrusive colour system of great beauty, which offers you the opportunity for awareness and transformation. It invites you to work from the deeper level of your being, empowering you to help yourself. Through the use of colour this system brings consciousness and insight from the soul level of your being into your everyday life. The Aura-Soma Colour System is especially suited for those who wish to come to a new focus in their life and/or who wish to develop themselves.

The Aura-Soma Colour System is not a therapy in the traditional sense since it makes no claims to heal medical conditions; what it does do is address the whole question of what lies behind dis-ease. It supports you to come to a greater ease within yourself.