

What happens in an Aura-Soma® Consultation?

Posted by Brenda Stanford on 12th Oct 2022

What happens in an Aura-Soma® Consultation?

What happens in an Aura-Soma® Consultation?

Are you at a crossroads in life, and want answers about where to go now?

Then an Aura-Soma consultation could be what you are looking for.

What happens in a consultation?

You meet one on one with an Aura-Soma Practitioner for a private consultation. This generally is in their clinic as they have a lot of products.

During the consultation, you will be invited to choose from over 100 stunning dual-coloured Equilibrium bottles – they look a little bit like magic – shining brightly, these colourful bottles talk to you, like a field of flowers on a sunny day they uplift your spirits. Slowly you notice you're looking at one particular bottle, it’s almost like it calls to you – pick me. It's like a deeper knowing you seem to know which one to choose.

Together with the practitioner you will review your chosen colours and explore their meanings in the context and depth of your own journey to discover and understand more of yourself. All sorts of things come up in that conversation – but you are in control – it's not a counselling session, no one is digging around to find hidden secrets you don’t want to share – it’s like a chat with a dear friend – but the friend is you – a wiser you.

The practitioner is there to assist and guide you when you need it, they help you understand which products are best suited to help build and maintain happiness and vitality in your every day.

A consultation can give you clarity on what direction you are going, and what choices you have and may reveal any hidden talents or gifts you have not explored.

Aura-Soma is known as a self-selective therapy for a reason – it is why you are invited to choose your own Equilibrium bottles, you are invited to choose what other products will support your journey, and the Practitioner will assist you in understanding your choices and explain how to use the products most effectively. In choosing you are empowering yourself.

At the end of the consultation, you will have an understanding of which of the products will help and support you with your journey, it is best to take and use an Equilibrium, Pomander, and Quintessence, and you may like to add an ArchAngeloi and Colour Essence.

Only by using the products will you get the full benefit of the consultation and Aura-Soma – a little secret – the products don’t work if left in the draw so please do use your precious gems.

The products are all used either on or around you. The Equilibrium bottle you take is just for you to use as once shaken it starts working for you personally, it is applied to your skin allowing the precious ingredients of essential oils, plant extracts and crystal energies to do their magic, the other products are used in your auric field around your body, you can share these with family and friends.

It is recommended to use your Equilibrium bottle 2x daily and to use it all up over a few days or weeks. Once it is completed you may like to have another consultation with your practitioner, it is good to review the last bottle you used and to continue with a new bottle, to continue the unfolding of the journey of the self. Each consultation is a deepening of the unfolding process to you.

Over time people report finding ‘their bottle’, the one they will always come back to. This bottle can be called their soul bottle. Having this bottle on hand is helpful whenever we feel out of sorts, you can go on and use other bottles but having this one with you always is like having a comfortable place to rest, to feel safe and nurtured, it’s a top-up that takes you back to your true self and equilibrium.

A consultation is not a clairvoyant reading and does not diagnose or treat illness, though you may get an understanding of why an illness may have manifested and then how best to move forward with it.