

#110 Equilibrium Archangel Ambriel Pale Rose Pink/Deep Magenta 50ml

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Product Overview

Pale Rose Pink/Deep Magenta

Archangel Ambriel

The Zodiacal Archangel of Gemini
The Twins and the Cosmic Christ

The link with the protective energy of love and kindness
Links with B67 Mebahel, Guardian Angel of 31st May

Ambriel is known as a Prince of the Order of the Thrones, the Chief Officer of the
Twelfth Hour and the Night, Rules the Twelfth House

Available in 50 ml glass bottles.

Best way to ensure that this bottle is the one for you:

Have a Consultation

The best way to discover the Aura-Soma® Colour-Care-System® can do for you is to have a consultation with an Aura-Soma Colour Care Practitioner®. Where over 100 dual coloured bottles are displayed, their jewel like colours shimmering before your eyes. The trained Practitioner invites you to choose the four bottles which call to you the most – the ones that you can't resist.

In a Consultation

The four bottles speak of our choices and our journey through time, revealing aspects of our personality, our gifts and talents, our present situation and our potential.

‘You are the Colours you choose and these reflect your being’s needs’.

We may gain an insight into why things are happening and gain a new perspective on our life’s direction.

Through this understanding you can make new more informed choices.

Your Practitioner will then assist you in choosing an Equilibrium bottle and other supporting products to take home and use to help you reach your desired potential.